Project Stockholm

 Project Stockhol 

Huli's Menu

Hey!My name is Huli! The dude who's making this game!

Thanks for giving this game a chance!

This is version 0.27!

This is an H-sense update!

All of Suzy's major lust route sences have been remade along with some character pics.

Move with the ARROW KEYS or MOUSE CLICK Comfirm with Z KEY Menu with X KEY

Show/Hide HUD A KEY Items with S KEY

For Android...


You can rewatch sences on the laptop on your desk.

If you enjoy this game,consider supporthing me.

Okay.That's all!See ya!

At the first,you can choose your name.

Original name is JUN.

Your choices affects the outcome of the story.

Remember to save often an try different choices!

Story Start

JUN-(Man,college has been quite the new exprience. Haven't really been able to make any friends through.Well,I have been talking to the girl who sits next to me in class.Maybe...)(Oh,its time for class.Don't wanna be late.)

In the Class

JUN-(There she is. Hey,Suzy.What/s up?)


JUN-(Did you watched last night's episode of Kintamas?)

Suzy-(Yeah!It was so cool!The fight scences are awesome,and the characters are still cool even after like,600 episodes!)

JUN-(Yeah!And it's just so hilarious!)

Morgan-(Hey!Class has alredy started!I've had enough of you,Jun!See me after class!)



JUN-(Well,that wasn't exactly the best start to the week.I don't wanna go see Morgan.I have things to do.But if I don't,I might get in trouble.I wanna talk to Suzy through...I gotta pick one or the other. Suzzy is next to me and Morgan is at her desk.)

Suzy-(Listen,I'm sorry for getting you into trouble...)

JUN-(No...It's not your fault.Blame me for being so loud during class.Or blame her for being stricts as hell...This looks like the perfect opportunity to ask her.)

At Home,

Suzy-(Wow!That was a great show!)

JUN-(Yeah!Can't believe we marathoned the entire season!)

Suzy-(Is it really that late already?I should go home now.)

JUN-( Oh...uh..yeah...)

Suzy-(Sorry,but we have class tomorrow,remember?We can do this some other  time.)

JUN-(Yeah,you're right!I guess I'll see tomorrow?)

Suzy-(Yup!See you tomorrow!.)

This game is RPGM game and you can easily download here.

Thanks for reading.Follow my Blog.

Project Stockholm Project Stockholm Reviewed by Android Games on January 10, 2021 Rating: 5
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