Goss ip Game


Important:This is work of friction

Names,Characters,Events,Places and Incidents are either the products of  the Author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons,living or dead,or actual events is purely coincidental.

Hello and welcome to a Goss_IP.This will be a short tutorial...
In this visual novel,at certain points,you will be given choices,usually in the form of passive/aggrerssive.
This is intresting ...Please go on...
Your choice might have an immediate effect or/ and have a positive effect on certain character's story line...
These data will be shown to you at certain points of the game but not always...
We don't want to make things too easy for you,right?

On the left we have Ted's stats and on the right,Ivan's...
Once a value reaches ten(10),cool things might happen and advance that character's storyline...
Then it drops 5-10 points and you start again for the next event and so on...
Let me show you...

This is Ivan/Kanakis score...Currently its value is 4...
For the purpose of the example,let's say that Ivan,through the game,raises that score to 10...

Now,when the story line's time is right,you'll see this...
After the event, Kanakis's story line points will drop again and so on for the next event...
Careful through... They are story line points.Not affection points.
This mean that you don't necessarily have to be nice to advance a certain character's story line.
Also,you cannot please everybody...You are not an ice cream...
Some choices,advance one story line,but also put other behind...
It's up to you to find out how,and decide which story line you prefer...
I won't be discussing each value separately because they are quite simple.But one thing I must tell about Perv Points.
You get them when you do something.You lose them when you get caught.A high Perv value usually gives you more choices.
Lasstly,remember that sometimes random things happen,so play again...
Goss ip Game Goss ip Game Reviewed by Android Games on January 10, 2021 Rating: 5
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