apartment96 and other games

Welcome back dude.
Our goal here is to introduce you to the characters and story.
This will start as a linear experience.
You will get hints in the form of highlighted objects.
There are also hints on the phone.
Thank you for laying and we hope you enjoy our game.
Story Start...
Well,here I am.
C'mon.You can do this.
I can't believe how nervous I am.
It's been nearly an hour.
Just walking around this park,waiting for her to call.
I wonder if she forgot...or may be it was just a scam.
I can't wait out here all night.
Just gonna drop may bag on that bench and call her.

John(Hello,yeah...sorry.This is..John)
Sophia(OH,Hi John!I wasn't sure if you were going to call or not.This is Sophia.)
John(Uhm...sorry about that.I'm at the park.Can I get directions?)
Sophia(Of cource.Go out to Chandler Street.and down there blocks.It's 417 apartment 96)
Damn it.I should be writing this down.
John(Hold on)
John(Chandler Street.Three blocks.417.Apartment 96.Got it.)
Sophia(Okay,we'll see you in a few minutes.)
Oh yeah.We.I forgot the ad said something about two roomates.
John(Sound good.See you agsin.)

Alright.John.You can do this.
It's just a new city.
New people.
...new everthing.
C'mon,bag.Time to go.
I'm not even sure which way Chandler Street is...
Suppose I should just look it up on the internet...get directions.
Okay,so...it's that way...
I think.
Ninth floor.
I hope there's an elevstor...
I think this is it.
Apartment 96.
It's like 69...but backward.
Right.Get your head out of the gutter, John.
Last thing you need is to be giggling like a kid at the number on the door.
She didn't say about a husband...or a boyfriend.
...and she didn't sound like an old woman on the phone.
Seriously,John,get your head straight.This is the only place you could find.
Don't go it up in the first minute.
Right, Okay ,just reach out,ring the doorbell...
...and then there's the possibility of the roommates...
John(Uhm,yeah.I'm John.It's ...)
Sophia(Take your time)
John(Sorry.It's nice to meet you,Sophia.)
Sophia(I'm glad you found the place.It didn't take you too long.)
John(Yeah,I'm really not familiar with the area...)
Sophia(That's Okay.You'll learn your way around.)

She's actaually smiling at me... a little bit.
John(Is it...okay to...
Sophia(Of course yes.Please,come in.DO YOU NEED ANY HELP WITH YOUR BAG?)

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apartment96 and other games apartment96 and other games Reviewed by Android Games on January 11, 2021 Rating: 5
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